Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Codigo de etica de comunicadores

Hoy en la madrugada estuve repasando el codigo que deben seguir los comunicadores medicos y me parece que estamos muy cerca de seguirlos nosotros, cuando le hablamos al publico con compasion y con hechos reales del diario vivir en nuestra isla.

El siguiente es el codigo de etica de la Asociacion de Comunicadores medicos
(National Association of Medical Communicators)

NAMC Code of Ethics
Members of the National Association of Medical Communicators endorse a standard of professionalism exemplified by the best practices of Medicine and Journalism. As communicators, we acknowledge our responsibility in practicing our profession to its highest standards. Medical information is the foundation for public health, and through our efforts we endeavor to enhance the well-being of our audiences.

I. ACCURACY: We believe our highest responsibility is to provide clear, current, and accurate health information.

a.We will always provide complete, truthful, and well-substantiated information.

b.We will clearly define and communicate areas of doubt or controversy.

c.We will fairly represent conflicting points of view.

d.We will label editorial comments and personal opinion as such.

e.We will disclose, where appropriate, our sources of information.

II. CONTENT: We will responsibly gather and communicate information that best serves the needs of the public.

a.We will strive to select content based on its positive health benefit.

b.We will endeavor to avoid content based on its sensational appeal.

c.We will strive to include the cost and quality of care in order to ensure comprehensiveness.

III. INDEPENDENCE: In pursuit of accuracy and truth, we recognize the need to function in a independent and credible manner.

a.We believe in freedom of the press and the public's right to know.

b.We will avoid participating in organizations that would compromise our personal and professional integrity.

c.We will not accept gifts or special privileges that would compromise our independence or integrity.

d.We will disclose any and all financial arrangements that might be viewed as affecting our independence or integrity.

IV. PERSONAL RIGHTS: We support the inalienable rights of people in a free society.

a.We acknowledge the right of each individual to privacy, dignity, and confidentiality.

b.We acknowledge the rights of people to question and challenge actions and ideas of other individuals and organizations.

c.We acknowledge our special responsibility to protect individuals from any behavior or practice that might be viewed as exploitative.

d.We acknowledge the right of our audiences to have an interaction that is respectful, courteous, and consistent with the ideals of medicine and journalism.

V. PROFESSIONALISM: We believe in a sound public health policy for all people with full individual autonomy.

a.We believe that medical information based on sound knowledge and supporting healthful behaviors is helpful and appropriate.

b.We believe that health care providers have special relationships with their patients, and we will not substitute our medical information for proper diagnosis and treatment.

c.We believe it is essential to portray the risks and benefits of any behavior, regimen, or treatment.

d.We believe it is important to delineate the possible outcomes to different approaches to care, including the repercussions of the absence of care.