Thursday, November 30, 2006

No más violencia contra la mujer



30 de noviembre del 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Amendments to the Bylaws of the PRPS

Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society
POB 33113
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00933

22 November 2006

Results of votes by members on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society, a chapter of the American Psychiatric Association.

The Bylaws Committee recommended four amendments to the Bylaws. These proposed amendments were mailed to members on October 9, 2006.

The Committee of Tellers met on November 21, 2006. The Committee reported that ballots, representing the votes of 37% of the eligible voting members, were returned and counted. The following results were discussed and approved by the Executive Committee on November 21, 2006.

Article I- Identification
Section 1. Correction of the the name: The name of this organization shall be " Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society " A Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association. PASSED by 96% of votes

Section 2. "Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society" shall be the name incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
PASSED by 94% of votes

Article VI- Officers
Section 1. Add a position of Medical Director and Chief Executive Officer to the officers of this Association. The Medical Director/CEO will be hired by the Executive Committee and his responsibility among others will be to implement the goals and objectives of the Association and to provide direction, continuation and leadership toward the implementation of the objectives.
PASSED by 71% of votes

Article VII- Election of Officers
Section 1. J. Any member who has served as officer and is interested in continuing to work for one additional, consecutive two-year term may continue in the same position only if he or she has had an outstanding performance, the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee and the candidate is subject to be re-elected by the membership.
PASSED by 92% of votes

Monday, November 20, 2006

electroshock: para quien?


El Dr. Galarza entrevisto esta noche a las 7:30PM en WKVM a Dessie Vega Sorrentini, Md quien administra este viejo pero moderno tratamiento el Hospital Capestrano en Puerto Rico para algunos trastornos mentales. Ella trabaja con un equipo de profesionales de la salud mental incluyendo otros tres psiquiatras. Los trastornos mas comunes que se tratan con elecroshock: la enfermedad bipolar, fase depresiva, la depresion unipolar y la esquizofrenia. La doctora contesto las siguientes preguntas:

Para que sirve? cuando se administra? Quienes lo pueden administrar?

Cuantas veces se usa con el mismo paciente? Cuanto cuesta? Cuales son las contraindicaciones?

Un radioyente pregunto si se usa la electricidad en otros organos del cuerpo ademas del cerebro. Una persona llamo para decir que le gustaba lo que aprendia en el programa.

Para mas informacion escriba a

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Programa Convencion Psiquiatria 2006

Decima Convención Anual de la Academia de Psiquiatría de Puerto Rico
APA,Seccion Psiquiatria Asociacion Medica, Asociacion Psiquiatras Ninos y Adolescentes

Puerto Rico Academy of Psychiatry

10th Annual Convention
Multiplicity of Psychiatric Tasks

Embassy Suites Hotel, Dorado, Puerto Rico

November 16-19, 2006
Thursday, November 16 1:00 PM Registration

2:00 PM-4:00 PM CPR, Protective Techniques Certifications
5:00 Cocktail
7: 00 Dinner
Friday, November 17
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Update on Medicare Documentation
Maria M. Sánchez Bonilla, MD Psychiatrist

9:30 AM -11:00 AM Neuroleptics, Antipsychotics, and Psychotropics
Juan J. Fumero Pérez, MD Psychiatrist
Medical Director, Grupo Psiquiátrico CSP

11:00 AM -11:30 AM Coffee Break
11:30 AM - 12:30 AM Neuro-developmental Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
Ricardo M. Vela, MD Psychiatrist
Director of Pediatric Psychopharmacology
Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA

1:00 PM- 2:30 PM Lunch and Tribute to Dr Michael Woodbury
Premio Eugenio Maria de Hostos

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Present Stage of Electroconvulsive Therapy
Ismael Carlo, MD Psychiatrist
Sugarland, Texas

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Profile of Suicide Attempters Admitted to an Emergency Unit
in Puerto Rico
Dinorah Quiles, MD Claudia López, MD Adalis Millán, MD
Psychiatry Residents
University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus

José Galarza Arbona, MD, Administrator, ASSMCA
Ernesto A. Frontera Roura, MD Psychiatrist
Michel Iñesta, MD Psychiatrist

Saturday, November 18

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Humor in Addictions Therapy
Néstor Galarza Díaz, MD Psychiatrist
VA Medical Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Medical Practitioners with Disabilities
Rafael Báez, MD Psychiatrist
Ponce, Puerto Rico

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Drugs that Exacerbate or Mimic Psychiatric Disorders
Luís Mejías Rivera, MD Medical Pharmacologist
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Tribute to Dr Rafael Baez DLFAPA
Eugenio Maria de Hostos award to Dr. Michael Woodbury, Sr.

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Psychiatric organizations; the need for them, and
what can be achieved through them.
Joseph E.V. Rubín, MD Psychiatrist
Medical Director, The Cedars Skills Nursing Care Center
Portland, ME
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Academy Assembly and election of new Board Members
7:00 PM Dinner/Show Cesar Concepcion Orchestra

Sunday, November 18
9:00 AM -11:00 AM Hypnosis in Modern Psychiatry; Current Applications
Rafael García-Barcena, MD Psychiatrist

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


El capitulo de Puerto Rico
de la
Asociacion Psiquiatrica Americana

presenta el premio Eugenio Maria de Hostos a


psiquiatra insigne
terapista efectivo
padre emulable
esposo amante que no olvida
maestro con palabras y obras

Convencion Anual de Psiquiatria
Embassy Suites
Dorado, Puerto Rico

17 de noviembre del 2006

Nestor J Galarza, MD, Presidente
Jorge Gonzalez Barreto, MD , Vice presidente
Brenda Matos, MD, Secretaria
Vilma McCarthy, MD, Tesorera

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Adiccion bipolar

No se pierda al Vicepresidente de la Sociedad Psiquiatrica de Puerto Rico, Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Barreto discutiendo una condicion de gran preocupacion en Puerto Rico: diagnostico incorrecto de enfermedad bipolar en personas que padecen de drogodependencia versus el diagnostico dual.

Por WKVM el lunes 13 de noviembre a las 7:30PM en Con tu salud en mente.

moderador: Nestor J Galarza, el anti-Ruben Sanchez-style.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Tomando el toro por los cuernos

En la noche de hoy, por WKVM 810AM la doctora Lidia Martinez Vazquez y el Dr. Nestor J Galarza Diaz trataron el tema de actualidad de ASSMCA y sus programas pilotos de transformacion de los servicios de salud mental.

En la antigua Clinica de San Patricio en Puerto Nuevo, ahora re bautizada El Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario, psiquiatras, psicologos, trabajadores sociales, personal de enfermeria, consejeros, terapistas ocupacionales y recreativos tiene la ardua tarea de trabajar (tomar por los cuernos) por los participantes del programa y en contra de las enfermedades mentales (el toro).

Una transformacion fisica y administrativa espera hacer la diferencia en estos servicios. El programa finalizo con entusiasmo.

Importantes preguntaque se contesto: como se va a medir la calidad de los servicios.

Agradecemos a la profesora Dra. Martinez Vazquez su participacion y trasmision de alegria y entusiasmo.