The Committee of Tellers met on February 20, 2009 and reviewed the results of the 2009 APA National Elections. These are the results the Tellers will recommend to the Board of Trustees for approval. These results are considered public, but NOT OFFICIAL, until the Board of Trustees acts to accept the Report of the Committee of Tellers during its meeting March 13-15, 2009.
2009 APA National Election Results
Carol A. Bernstein, MD..... 51% (3-way race)
Vice President
Jeffrey Geller, MD, MPH.... 55% (3-way race)
ECP Trustee-at-Large
Joyce Spurgeon, MD.... 57% (2-way race)
MIT Trustee-Elect
Kayla Pope, MD, JD.... 53% (3-way race)
Area 1 Trustee
Fredrick J. Stoddard, Jr., MD.... 55% (2-way race)
Area 4 Trustee
John J. Wernert, MD.... 64% (2-way race)
Area 7 Trustee
William Womack, MD.... 51% (2-way race)
2009 APA National Elections Online Voting
Year % of Online Vote
2009....... 42.0%
2008....... 31.2%
2007....... 32.4%
2006....... 28.3%
2005....... 23.6%
2004....... 8.7%
2003....... 7.2%
2002....... 7.4%
2001....... 7.2%
2009 APA National Elections
Final Ballot Figures
# Eligible Voters (adjusted).... 29,889
# Ballots Returned (adjusted).... 9,435
% Voter Turnout.... 31.5%
Announced by the APA on February 23, 2009
Este capítulo de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana incluye psiquiatras adiestrados en diferentes escuelas de medicina, quienes trabajamos en areas clinicas, en el adiestramiento de psiquiatras, en la administracion de instituciones o en investigaciones cientificas. This Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association includes psychiatrists trained in different medical schools and who work in clinical practice, teaching, management or research.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sobre la pena de muerte en Puerto Rico
(Documento del 2005)
Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society
A Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association
POB 33113 Veterans Plaza
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00933
30 de marzo del 2005
La pena de muerte en Puerto Rico
Posición del Capitulo de Puerto Rico de la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana
El capitulo de Puerto Rico de la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana se pronuncia en contra de la implantación de la pena de muerte en Puerto Rico porque esta.
Priva a la persona el derecho a la vida
Priva a la persona el derecho a la dignidad
Priva a la persona la capacidad de rehabilitarse.
Priva a la sociedad la capacidad de recapacitar y enmendar
una sentencia errónea de culpabilidad.
Es un proceso psicológicamente similar a un asesinato premeditado.
Añade sicopatología y sufrimiento a la familia del agresor
Añade sicopatología y sufrimiento a la familia de la victimas
No es defensa propia de la sociedad sino venganza premeditada.
Conlleva un proceso legal prolongado y sadista.
No disminuye la incidencia criminal.
Es anti cultural en Puerto Rico.
Ya en el 1969 la Junta de Directores de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría se pronunciò en contra de la pena de muerte diciendo que la mejor evidencia científica y la opinión de expertos lo considera anacrónica, brutalizante, inefectiva y contraria al progreso de la ciencias penales y la psiquiatría forense.
En el 1998 los insignes médicos Alpern y Freedman abogaron porque la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana luchara por la abolición de la Pena de Muerte en los Estados Unidos. Citaron también como El Colegio de Abogados de Estados Unidos, American Bar Association, habia pedido una moratoria sobre la pena capital debido a que se aplicaba con discriminación racial, los acusados tenian representación legal inadecuada y que se ponian obstáculos para apelar en las cortes federales cuando nuevas evidencias apuntaban a la inocencia del prisionero en las galeras de la muerte.
En el 1991 el juez federal Lewis F Powell, Jr expreso duda sobre si la pena capital se puede administrar de una manera realmente justa. El lamentaba entonces que habia votado a favor de que la pena capital era constitucional.
Antes de su retiro en el 1994 el juez Harry A. Blackmun hablo a favor de la abolición de la pena de muerte en los EEUU. Decia que en la practica esta era incurablemente caprichosa, injusta y llena de errores de hecho, legales y morales.
Hace muchos años el profesor de la Universidad de California, Louis Jolyon West, M.D., dijo que la pena capital esta fuera de moda, es inmoral, cruel, brutalizante, injusta, inútil, peligrosa y obstruye la justicia. Observaciones por psiquiatrias demuestran que la pena de muerte genera enfermedad a base de la tortura de los prisioneros, y pervierte la identidad de los medicos que se convierten en verdugos. Ademas produce mas asesinatos que los que los que evita.
Nestor J Galarza Diaz, MD
Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society
A Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association
POB 33113 Veterans Plaza
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00933
30 de marzo del 2005
La pena de muerte en Puerto Rico
Posición del Capitulo de Puerto Rico de la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana
El capitulo de Puerto Rico de la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana se pronuncia en contra de la implantación de la pena de muerte en Puerto Rico porque esta.
Priva a la persona el derecho a la vida
Priva a la persona el derecho a la dignidad
Priva a la persona la capacidad de rehabilitarse.
Priva a la sociedad la capacidad de recapacitar y enmendar
una sentencia errónea de culpabilidad.
Es un proceso psicológicamente similar a un asesinato premeditado.
Añade sicopatología y sufrimiento a la familia del agresor
Añade sicopatología y sufrimiento a la familia de la victimas
No es defensa propia de la sociedad sino venganza premeditada.
Conlleva un proceso legal prolongado y sadista.
No disminuye la incidencia criminal.
Es anti cultural en Puerto Rico.
Ya en el 1969 la Junta de Directores de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría se pronunciò en contra de la pena de muerte diciendo que la mejor evidencia científica y la opinión de expertos lo considera anacrónica, brutalizante, inefectiva y contraria al progreso de la ciencias penales y la psiquiatría forense.
En el 1998 los insignes médicos Alpern y Freedman abogaron porque la Asociación Psiquiatrica Americana luchara por la abolición de la Pena de Muerte en los Estados Unidos. Citaron también como El Colegio de Abogados de Estados Unidos, American Bar Association, habia pedido una moratoria sobre la pena capital debido a que se aplicaba con discriminación racial, los acusados tenian representación legal inadecuada y que se ponian obstáculos para apelar en las cortes federales cuando nuevas evidencias apuntaban a la inocencia del prisionero en las galeras de la muerte.
En el 1991 el juez federal Lewis F Powell, Jr expreso duda sobre si la pena capital se puede administrar de una manera realmente justa. El lamentaba entonces que habia votado a favor de que la pena capital era constitucional.
Antes de su retiro en el 1994 el juez Harry A. Blackmun hablo a favor de la abolición de la pena de muerte en los EEUU. Decia que en la practica esta era incurablemente caprichosa, injusta y llena de errores de hecho, legales y morales.
Hace muchos años el profesor de la Universidad de California, Louis Jolyon West, M.D., dijo que la pena capital esta fuera de moda, es inmoral, cruel, brutalizante, injusta, inútil, peligrosa y obstruye la justicia. Observaciones por psiquiatrias demuestran que la pena de muerte genera enfermedad a base de la tortura de los prisioneros, y pervierte la identidad de los medicos que se convierten en verdugos. Ademas produce mas asesinatos que los que los que evita.
Nestor J Galarza Diaz, MD
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Position Statement on Health Care Reform
Principles for Health Care Reform for Psychiatry
Approved by the Assembly, November 2008
Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 2008
"Policy documents are approved by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees… These are …position statements that define APA official policy on specific subjects…" -- APA Operations Manual.
Prepared by the Board AD HOC Work Group on a Mental Health Care System.
In 2008, federal legislation was passed and signed by the President to provide mental health parity (including substance use parity) in private insurance. In addition, a change in the Medicare 50% copay with an incremental phase-in to 20% has also been enacted. The principles underlying mental health parity and the change in the Medicare 50% copay are part in parcel of what needs to happen in any broad-scale health reform aiming at universal access, quality improvement, and cost control. With nearly 47 million Americans uninsured and 20 million more seriously under-insured for general health care and many millions more for mental health and substance use coverage, there is much to be done in expanding access to effective treatment for large numbers of individuals who can be helped with DSM-IV disorders.
1. Every American with psychiatric symptoms has the right to a comprehensive evaluation and an accurate diagnosis which leads to an appropriate, individualized plan of treatment.
2. Psychiatric treatment should be based on continuous healing relationships and engagement with the whole person rather than the narrow symptom-focused perspective.
3. Timely access to psychiatric care and continuity of care are the cornerstones for quality, even as a continuum of medical and non-medical services becomes available that would encourage maximum independence and quality of life for psychiatric patients.
4. There must be full parity of psychiatric treatment with the rest of medicine and utilization management must be the same for people with mental illness as well as for other medical illnesses. Payment and utilization should be on the basis of treatment and services and not on diagnosis.
5. Psychiatric care should be patient and family centered, community based, culturally sensitive, readily available for patients of all ages, with particular attention to the specialized needs of children, adolescents, and the elderly. Disparities in the access to care for ethnic and racial minorities must be addressed.
6. Access to psychiatric care should be provided in numerous settings, including private offices, community mental health centers, specialty clinics, and hospitals as well as in the workplace, schools, and correctional facilities. Psychiatric care should be fully integrated with the rest of medicine in primary care settings and in hospitals.
7. Patients deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. When they are clinically able, they are entitled to choose their physician and other providers and make other decisions regarding their care. When they are incapable of doing so, they should receive the treatment they need and when able, they should choose future care.
8. As medical information enters the electronic age, leading to increased efficiency and ease of access to health data on all individuals, the confidentiality of these data must have the highest priority.
9. Patients should receive care in the least restrictive setting possible that encourages maximum independence and access to a continuum of clinical services.
10. Psychiatric care should be fully integrated with the treatment of substance use disorders.
11. Psychiatric care should have an emphasis on early recognition and treatment as well as prevention. Research into the etiology and prevention of mental illness and into the ongoing development of safe and effective treatment interventions must be supported.
12. Efforts must be intensified to combat and overcome the stigma historically associated with mental illness and its treatments through enhanced public understanding and awareness of mental disorders and the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment.
13. More resources should be devoted to the training for an adequate supply of psychiatrists, especially child psychiatrists, to meet the current and future needs of the population.
Reference: American Psychiatric Association 2008
Approved by the Assembly, November 2008
Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 2008
"Policy documents are approved by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees… These are …position statements that define APA official policy on specific subjects…" -- APA Operations Manual.
Prepared by the Board AD HOC Work Group on a Mental Health Care System.
In 2008, federal legislation was passed and signed by the President to provide mental health parity (including substance use parity) in private insurance. In addition, a change in the Medicare 50% copay with an incremental phase-in to 20% has also been enacted. The principles underlying mental health parity and the change in the Medicare 50% copay are part in parcel of what needs to happen in any broad-scale health reform aiming at universal access, quality improvement, and cost control. With nearly 47 million Americans uninsured and 20 million more seriously under-insured for general health care and many millions more for mental health and substance use coverage, there is much to be done in expanding access to effective treatment for large numbers of individuals who can be helped with DSM-IV disorders.
1. Every American with psychiatric symptoms has the right to a comprehensive evaluation and an accurate diagnosis which leads to an appropriate, individualized plan of treatment.
2. Psychiatric treatment should be based on continuous healing relationships and engagement with the whole person rather than the narrow symptom-focused perspective.
3. Timely access to psychiatric care and continuity of care are the cornerstones for quality, even as a continuum of medical and non-medical services becomes available that would encourage maximum independence and quality of life for psychiatric patients.
4. There must be full parity of psychiatric treatment with the rest of medicine and utilization management must be the same for people with mental illness as well as for other medical illnesses. Payment and utilization should be on the basis of treatment and services and not on diagnosis.
5. Psychiatric care should be patient and family centered, community based, culturally sensitive, readily available for patients of all ages, with particular attention to the specialized needs of children, adolescents, and the elderly. Disparities in the access to care for ethnic and racial minorities must be addressed.
6. Access to psychiatric care should be provided in numerous settings, including private offices, community mental health centers, specialty clinics, and hospitals as well as in the workplace, schools, and correctional facilities. Psychiatric care should be fully integrated with the rest of medicine in primary care settings and in hospitals.
7. Patients deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. When they are clinically able, they are entitled to choose their physician and other providers and make other decisions regarding their care. When they are incapable of doing so, they should receive the treatment they need and when able, they should choose future care.
8. As medical information enters the electronic age, leading to increased efficiency and ease of access to health data on all individuals, the confidentiality of these data must have the highest priority.
9. Patients should receive care in the least restrictive setting possible that encourages maximum independence and access to a continuum of clinical services.
10. Psychiatric care should be fully integrated with the treatment of substance use disorders.
11. Psychiatric care should have an emphasis on early recognition and treatment as well as prevention. Research into the etiology and prevention of mental illness and into the ongoing development of safe and effective treatment interventions must be supported.
12. Efforts must be intensified to combat and overcome the stigma historically associated with mental illness and its treatments through enhanced public understanding and awareness of mental disorders and the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment.
13. More resources should be devoted to the training for an adequate supply of psychiatrists, especially child psychiatrists, to meet the current and future needs of the population.
Reference: American Psychiatric Association 2008
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Hacia una nueva Directiva de la APA de Puerto Rico 2009-2011
Nestor Jose Galarza Diaz termina el tercer termino como presidente de la APA de Puerto Rico en mayo del 2009 y a nombrado un Comite de Nominaciones para una nueva Directiva de la Asociacion Psiquiatrica Americana, Capitulo de Puerto Rico. 2009-2011.
Las elecciones seran en marzo del 2009.
La tarea de comite de nominaciones es ver entre los psiquiatras de la APA quienes estan dispuestos a trabajar para la APA de Puerto Rico, dirigiendo proyectos nuevos....e informar los candidatos a la Directiva actual. Fecha para informar nominados es el 14 de febrero del 2009.
Abajo les incluyo
1. las posiciones electivas de la APA de Puerto Rico
2. parte del Reglamento de la APA de Puerto Rico segun fue enmendado en el 2006
Miembros del Comite de nominaciones. Incluyo los consultores.
1. Carlos Diaz Silva, MD (Presidente de Comite) area sur
2. Fernando Passalacqua, MD area sur
3. Ramon Parrilla, MD area central
4. Ingrid Alicea, MD area oeste
5. Luis Marchena, MD area este
Luis Franco, MD area sur
Alberto Varela, MD area metro
Ileana Fumero, MD area metro
Victor Llado, MD area metro
Sarah Huertas, MD area metro
Posiciones electivas de la APA de Puerto Rico para elecciones en marzo del 2009.
President elect
Vice President
Representative to the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association
Deputy Representative to the Assembly of the APA
Three counselors (vocales)
A dos miembros en adiestramiento que seran parte de la Directiva los escogen las Centros de Residencia en Psiquiatria de las Escuelas de Medicina de Ponce y la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Estas no son posiciones electivas.
Lo que dice el reglamento segun enmendado en el 2006.
Article VI – Officers
Section 1. Officers of this Association shall be a Medical Director and Chief Executive Officer, President, President- Elect, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasury, three Councilors at large, two Members-in-Training Councilors, the immediate Past President, the Representative and Deputy Representative to the Assembly of District Branches of the APA.
The aforementioned officers shall constitute the voting Council. The last two Past Presidents beyond the immediate one, shall be invited to Council meetings, as honorary advisers, but shall not have a right to vote. In addition, Chapter Presidents (or their designees) shall also become members of Council.
Section 2. Only voting members shall be eligible for nomination and election to office. In the case of Members-in-Training Councilors, they shall be elected by the residents assembly of each separate existing accredited training program. Only one Member-in-Training from each existing, accredited programs in Puerto Rico shall be accepted as a voting member of the Council.
Section 3. The Medical Director/CEO will be hired by the Executive Committee and his responsibility among others will be to implement the goals and objectives of the Association and to provide direction, continuation and leadership toward the implementation of the objectives. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Council and shall otherwise perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.
Section 5. The President-Elect shall assume the office of President as of the last day of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in May on or about one year following his or her election as President-Elect. The President-Elect shall assist the President by acting as overall coordinator of all committee functions.
Section 6. The Secretary is responsible for keeping a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the District Branch and of the Board of Directors. He must keep a list of all members; issue notices of all meetings; notify officers and members of committees of their election or appointment; and certify all official records.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and collect all dues. He or she shall pay all expenses of the District Branch by and with the consent and approval of the membership. He or she shall make a written annual report to this Association at the April meeting upon the official transactions of income and expenditures of this Association, and the report should be certified by an accountant.
Section 8. The Representative to the Assembly of District Branches of the American Psychiatric Association or his or her Deputy shall represent this Association in the Assembly, and/or its subgroups, at all official meetings of the American Psychiatric Association, and report back to this Association.
Section 9. All officers shall enter upon their duties at the close of business on the last day of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association next following their election, and shall continue in office for two years, or until their successors are duly elected and assume office.
Article VII - Election of Officers
Section 1. All officers shall be elected not later than the month of April of the election year as follows:
a. All voting members are eligible for all offices of the Association, according to all rules and regulations.
b. A Nominating Committee, composed of five (5) members shall be appointed by the Council by the month of January of the election year. The Nominating Committee shall include one Past-President as member.
c. The Nominating Committee will present its recommendations to elected positions at the February meeting of the Council.
d. Any voting member of this Association may make written recommendations of eligible candidates to the Nominating Committee prior to the February meeting.
e. Any member eligible to hold office nominated either by him or himself, or by another voting member, by a petition signed by 25% or more of the voting members, shall be included in the official ballot in the next general election, provided that such petition has been filed with the Nominating Committee and the Secretary of the Society prior to the February meeting of the Council.
f. The Secretary of this Association will prepare an official ballot which will include the names of all candidates selected by the Nominating Committee and those nominated by petition. This official ballot will be mailed to all eligible voters not later than March 7, of the election year. All ballots must be received by March 30 to be counted, and must be returned and be identified by a pre-selected identification code.
g. The President shall designate a Board of Tellers consisting of three members to count the ballots and report to the President. The results of the election will be announced to all members of this Association by mail and/or a General Assembly, not later than April 15 of the corresponding election year.
h. All duly elected officers including the Representative, shall enter their duties upon termination of the Annual American Psychiatric Association convention in May.
i. All officers of the Council of this Association shall be elected for a term of two years, including the Representative and Deputy Representative.
j. Any member who has served as officer and is interested in continuing to work for one additional, consecutive two-year term may continue in the same position only if he or she has had an outstanding performance, the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee and the candidate is subject to be re-elected by the membership.
Section 2. Recall of Election - An action for recall of an officer or of the election process, may be initiated by a petition signed by ten (10) members of the Association or by a majority of the Council. Actual recall will be effected only if the majority of the members so indicate by mail ballot.
Las elecciones seran en marzo del 2009.
La tarea de comite de nominaciones es ver entre los psiquiatras de la APA quienes estan dispuestos a trabajar para la APA de Puerto Rico, dirigiendo proyectos nuevos....e informar los candidatos a la Directiva actual. Fecha para informar nominados es el 14 de febrero del 2009.
Abajo les incluyo
1. las posiciones electivas de la APA de Puerto Rico
2. parte del Reglamento de la APA de Puerto Rico segun fue enmendado en el 2006
Miembros del Comite de nominaciones. Incluyo los consultores.
1. Carlos Diaz Silva, MD (Presidente de Comite) area sur
2. Fernando Passalacqua, MD area sur
3. Ramon Parrilla, MD area central
4. Ingrid Alicea, MD area oeste
5. Luis Marchena, MD area este
Luis Franco, MD area sur
Alberto Varela, MD area metro
Ileana Fumero, MD area metro
Victor Llado, MD area metro
Sarah Huertas, MD area metro
Posiciones electivas de la APA de Puerto Rico para elecciones en marzo del 2009.
President elect
Vice President
Representative to the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association
Deputy Representative to the Assembly of the APA
Three counselors (vocales)
A dos miembros en adiestramiento que seran parte de la Directiva los escogen las Centros de Residencia en Psiquiatria de las Escuelas de Medicina de Ponce y la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Estas no son posiciones electivas.
Lo que dice el reglamento segun enmendado en el 2006.
Article VI – Officers
Section 1. Officers of this Association shall be a Medical Director and Chief Executive Officer, President, President- Elect, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasury, three Councilors at large, two Members-in-Training Councilors, the immediate Past President, the Representative and Deputy Representative to the Assembly of District Branches of the APA.
The aforementioned officers shall constitute the voting Council. The last two Past Presidents beyond the immediate one, shall be invited to Council meetings, as honorary advisers, but shall not have a right to vote. In addition, Chapter Presidents (or their designees) shall also become members of Council.
Section 2. Only voting members shall be eligible for nomination and election to office. In the case of Members-in-Training Councilors, they shall be elected by the residents assembly of each separate existing accredited training program. Only one Member-in-Training from each existing, accredited programs in Puerto Rico shall be accepted as a voting member of the Council.
Section 3. The Medical Director/CEO will be hired by the Executive Committee and his responsibility among others will be to implement the goals and objectives of the Association and to provide direction, continuation and leadership toward the implementation of the objectives. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Council and shall otherwise perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.
Section 5. The President-Elect shall assume the office of President as of the last day of the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in May on or about one year following his or her election as President-Elect. The President-Elect shall assist the President by acting as overall coordinator of all committee functions.
Section 6. The Secretary is responsible for keeping a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the District Branch and of the Board of Directors. He must keep a list of all members; issue notices of all meetings; notify officers and members of committees of their election or appointment; and certify all official records.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and collect all dues. He or she shall pay all expenses of the District Branch by and with the consent and approval of the membership. He or she shall make a written annual report to this Association at the April meeting upon the official transactions of income and expenditures of this Association, and the report should be certified by an accountant.
Section 8. The Representative to the Assembly of District Branches of the American Psychiatric Association or his or her Deputy shall represent this Association in the Assembly, and/or its subgroups, at all official meetings of the American Psychiatric Association, and report back to this Association.
Section 9. All officers shall enter upon their duties at the close of business on the last day of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association next following their election, and shall continue in office for two years, or until their successors are duly elected and assume office.
Article VII - Election of Officers
Section 1. All officers shall be elected not later than the month of April of the election year as follows:
a. All voting members are eligible for all offices of the Association, according to all rules and regulations.
b. A Nominating Committee, composed of five (5) members shall be appointed by the Council by the month of January of the election year. The Nominating Committee shall include one Past-President as member.
c. The Nominating Committee will present its recommendations to elected positions at the February meeting of the Council.
d. Any voting member of this Association may make written recommendations of eligible candidates to the Nominating Committee prior to the February meeting.
e. Any member eligible to hold office nominated either by him or himself, or by another voting member, by a petition signed by 25% or more of the voting members, shall be included in the official ballot in the next general election, provided that such petition has been filed with the Nominating Committee and the Secretary of the Society prior to the February meeting of the Council.
f. The Secretary of this Association will prepare an official ballot which will include the names of all candidates selected by the Nominating Committee and those nominated by petition. This official ballot will be mailed to all eligible voters not later than March 7, of the election year. All ballots must be received by March 30 to be counted, and must be returned and be identified by a pre-selected identification code.
g. The President shall designate a Board of Tellers consisting of three members to count the ballots and report to the President. The results of the election will be announced to all members of this Association by mail and/or a General Assembly, not later than April 15 of the corresponding election year.
h. All duly elected officers including the Representative, shall enter their duties upon termination of the Annual American Psychiatric Association convention in May.
i. All officers of the Council of this Association shall be elected for a term of two years, including the Representative and Deputy Representative.
j. Any member who has served as officer and is interested in continuing to work for one additional, consecutive two-year term may continue in the same position only if he or she has had an outstanding performance, the nomination is approved by the Executive Committee and the candidate is subject to be re-elected by the membership.
Section 2. Recall of Election - An action for recall of an officer or of the election process, may be initiated by a petition signed by ten (10) members of the Association or by a majority of the Council. Actual recall will be effected only if the majority of the members so indicate by mail ballot.
Friday, February 06, 2009
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