The evening of April 25 meeting with APA consultants was a success for us, hopefully also for our friends who visit. On April 26 they paid a visit to the Medical Center, met Dr. William Soler at the State Psychiatric Hospital and Dr. Ramon Parrilla, Medical Director, First Hospital Panamericano.
This happened while attended the Medical Specialties Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. I met our guests and members of the District Branch executive committe members on Friday evening for an official meeting where we took the picture you see above and then for lunch on Saturday in the Cayey mountains.
Who are our guests and consultants?
They are APA leaders
Mary Helen Davis, MD, Area V Trustee
Jeffrey S Akman, MD, Chair, Council on Membership and DB Relations
Joseph Rubin, MD, Chair, Membership Committee
They visited sites in company of
Carlos G Diaz, MD President Elect, PR Psychiatric Society
Ingrid Alicea, MD, Secretary, Chair Health Insurance Commitee, PR Psychiatric Society
Jorge Gonzalez, MD, Rep to the APA Assembly, PR Psychiatric Society
Results of this consultation will be described in this blog later.