Good reasons to get the flu shot
1. Increase chances you will not get the flu
2. Decrease chances you have to go to a hospital where the corona virus may be abundant.
3. Protect others around you from the flu.
Este capítulo de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana incluye psiquiatras adiestrados en diferentes escuelas de medicina, quienes trabajamos en areas clinicas, en el adiestramiento de psiquiatras, en la administracion de instituciones o en investigaciones cientificas. This Chapter of the American Psychiatric Association includes psychiatrists trained in different medical schools and who work in clinical practice, teaching, management or research.
Good reasons to get the flu shot
1. Increase chances you will not get the flu
2. Decrease chances you have to go to a hospital where the corona virus may be abundant.
3. Protect others around you from the flu.
President: Dr Brenda Matos
Vice: Dr Francisco Parra
President. elect: Dr Francisco Amador
Treasurer Dr Jorge González Barreto
Secretary: Dr Lelis Nazario
Other officers:
Dr Lillian Segarra,
Dr Vilma McCarthy
Dr Delimar Viera.
Representantes APÁ:
Dr Michel Woodbury
Dr Juan Jose Nunez