Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Los psiquiatras del Colegio de Mèdicos dicen presente en el Senado

El Presidente del Comite de Salud Mental del Colegio de Medicos Cirujanos, Dr. Hector Rivera Gonzalez lee su Ponencia sobre el Proyecto del Senado 1921 para enmendar la Ley de Salud Mental.

La presidenta de la Comisiòn de Salud, Honorable Lucy Arce, escucha en compañia de sus asesores legislativos.

La doctora en Trabajo Social, Iris Jackson Moya lee su ponencia en su calidad personal.
Ella expresò, entre otros asuntos, que coincidìa con la Ponencia de NAMI APA de Puerto Rico, presentada el 31 de julio del 2007.

El Decano de Educaciòn de Teen Challenge lee su ponencia en compañìa de los psicòlogos, Hernan Plaza y Angel Sotero. Expresò como los avances de la ciencia en el tratamiento de las condiciones adictivas son producto del Creador y aboga por la educaciòn continuada del staff de Teen Challenge. Abogò por el uso de la espiritualidad en el manejo de las adicciones.

El Presidente del Capitulo de Psiquiatrìa del Colegio de Mèdicos Cirujanos, Dr. Edgardo Prieto y el señor Luis Arias de NAMI escuchan las ponencias. El Presidente de la APA de Puerto Rico, el Dr. Nestor J Galarza estaba detràs de la càmara tomando estas fotos.

Lo invito querido lector a leer la ponencia de la APA de Puerto Rico publicada en este blog en julio 27 del 2007. (APA de Puerto Rico = Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

National Suicide Prevention Week 2007

The Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society joins with the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to observe National Suicide Prevention Week, September 9-15, 2007. In recognition of this observance, the American Psychiatric Foundation/APA has released “Father/Son,” a 30-second public service announcement to raise awareness about suicide. Its compelling message targets people who are struggling with depression and offers a national hotline number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and free web-based resources on www.HealthyMinds.org.

“The devastation that suicide can cause is a major concern for families and mental health professionals". Educating individuals and families is an important step toward raising awareness about suicide prevention and treatment.”

Risk factors about suicide include:

Depression and other mental disorders, or a substance-abuse disorder (often in combination with other mental disorders). More than 90 percent of people who die by suicide have these risk factors.

Family history of mental disorders, substance abuse or suicide.
Family violence, including physical or sexual abuse.

Additional dates for suicide prevention awareness:

World Suicide Prevention Day
On September 10, 2007, the International Association for Suicide Prevention in collaboration with the World Health Organization will sponsor this annual event. The theme, “Suicide Prevention across the Life Span”, emphasizes the fact that suicide occurs in all ages and suicide prevention and intervention strategies may be adapted to meet the needs of different age groups.

National Depression Screening Day Presents Stop a Suicide Today!
On October 11, 2007, this campaign will offer educational sessions about how to recognize the signs of suicide provide free, anonymous screenings for depression and related mental health issues.

APA’s Let’s Talk Facts Teen Suicide brochure offers information about adolescents and suicide. For information about suicide and the impact of mental illnesses, please visit APA’s consumer Web site www.HealthyMinds.org, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology and the Suicide Prevention Action Network.